Surya Namaskar

A spiritual offering through physical postures, the Surya Namaskar was created by one of history’s most powerful Yogis. By practicing the 8 formative asanas in the pattern of the Surya Namaskar, you are expressing your respect, gratitude and admiration for the mighty lord Sun. These physical movements form a spiritual bond. The Surya namaskar is one of the most positive yogic practices whose benefits are physical, mental and spiritual. It is one of the oldest inheritances in yogic practices and has a glorious impact on the lies of the practitioners.
In this training of Surya Namaskar, the practitioner will be introduced to the asanas through subtle preliminary exercises, followed by a step by step procedure to achieve the final outcome. The tutorials will further include information on the benefits of the postures and their impact on the body and mind. The tutorial is also inclusive of any precautions or points to watch out for while practicing Surya Namaskar.
The videos also contain theoretical information in full detail about everything the practitioner needs to know to both practice and benefit from the Surya Namaskar.

Preview of Surya Namaskar Tutorial

Course Curriculum

  Surya Namaskar
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  Tutorial - 1
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  Surya Namaskar Preparatory Videos
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